Wednesday, January 21, 2015


1)    Please tell us about yourself. What makes you interesting or unique or tell us a funny story about you.
I love to travel! I just came home from a semester abroad. I went to 10 countries in 3 months.
2)    Please tell us are you an FCST major or not. If so why did you choose this major? If you are not an FCST major, tell us about your own major and why you chose it.
I am a family and child studies major. I chose this major because I want to become a teacher. 
3)    What are your current career plans or plans for graduate school? Or tell us if you plan to marry rich or travel the world!
I am currently admitted to the dual certification program for teaching. I’m looking forward to getting my masters but marrying rich and traveling the world doesn’t sound too bad!
4)    Next tell us about your family - for example - are your parents married or not, do you live with them, do you have siblings, pets etc? Or maybe you grew up in foster care, or you are cohabiting or married and live with your spouse and/or children.
I have married parents and I have two sisters. I also have 2 dogs and a bunny!
5)    Please describe an activity you like to share with your family? etc.
My family likes to travel as well so we all enjoy doing that! We also love to eat!!
6)    Next choose 2 topics on the syllabus that interest you and tell us a few sentences WHY they interest you.
I think it is interesting that the blogs are worth so much of the grade. I think this is great because the blogs allow the student to write more freely and it gives the student time to think thoroughly about the questions.   Im really excited to learn about welfare reform because I think as a teacher you should be aware of all the resources there are for low income and really any income families. 
7)    Review quiz of syllabus:

A) What day and time does class meet?

Class meets on Tuesdays from 230-345. And also online. Online assignments are due the following Monday at 10:00am.

B) How many blogs must you complete for full credit?

You must complete 6 blogs for full credit.

C) When are blogs assignments due?

Blog 1- Monday 1/26 by 10am
Blog 2- Monday 2/2 by 10am
Blog 3- Monday 2/2 by 10am
Blog 4 –Monday 2/9 by 10am
Blog 5-Monday 3/21 by 10am
Blog 6-Complete before class 4/14
D) What should you do before EVERY face-to-face class?

Complete the readings and/or assignments for every class! Also attend all of the classes because they are so limited.
E) What is a topic of a class during week 3?

The role of gender in families.
F) Which week do we focus on Marriage?

Week 10 in class and online.

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